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Christian Counseling
A bridge between emotional and spiritual wholeness.

What is Christian Counseling?


Christian counseling pairs evidence-based therapeutic practices with Biblical truths, prayer, meditation, and Scripture. Through the exploration of biblical principles and personal values, you will learn strategies to navigate life’s challengeswhile integrating faith-based practices into your life. The goal is to help you flourish spiritually while giving you the tools to live a healthy, happy, and peaceful life while you continue your walk in the faith.

The goal of Christian Counseling

To utilize Scripture and work within your Biblical belief system to improve your mental wellbeing, strengthen hope, and help you discover your purpose. Our Christian counselors offer services framed in Christian worldview and have solid clinical credentials. They do not discriminate against any other beliefs and worldviews. Christian counselors believe that God created people as physical, emotional, social, and spiritual beings.

Our counselors will:

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
– Psalm 147:3

Benefits of Christian Counseling

Christian counseling focuses on nurturing the mind, body, and soul by offering a caring, trustworthy environment to openly discuss issues through the lens of faith. Counselors provide biblically-based wisdom and guidance to help overcome feelings of guilt, shame, anxiety, depression and other emotional struggles. The sessions emphasize forgiveness, surrendering burdens to God, and finding strength through prayer and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Counselors also help foster spiritual disciplines like scripture reading, meditation and service that can provide meaning, fulfillment and joy.

For couples and families, Christian counseling promotes communication, conflict resolution and restoration of relationships grounded in Christian principles of love, respect and commitment. Counselors help spouses and parents raise God-honoring families and set an example of Christ’s love.